Лого Инова Топ Грийн

Intensive substrate

SubLight ITG03
Интензивен Субстрат Инова Топ Грийн

The SubLight ITG03 substrate is used as a plant substrate for multi-layer intensive green roofs, in roof areas with low load capacity. It provides a nutrient medium for many different plant species.

The substrate is produced in accordance with the guidelines of FLL (Forschungsgesellschaft Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau e. V.), a generally recognized German guide for the design, installation, and maintenance of green roofs.

In addition to intensive green roofs and roof gardens, SubLight ITG-03 is suitable for container and garden growing of flowers, ornamental shrubs, and trees.

Technical specifications
Material Inova Top Green® peat substrate – a mixture of mineral and organic components of local origin
Dry weight Approx. 830 kg/m3
Water saturated weight Approx. 1450 kg/m3
Maximum water holding capacity 45 % vol.
Water permeability 30 – 40 mm/min
pH value 6 – 8,5
Pore volume 60 – 75%
Organic matter 7 – 10%
Nitrogen (g N/kg) 2.5 – 7
Phosphate (mg P205 / 100g) 60 – 120
Potassium (mg P205/100g) 100 – 280
Delivery form Big bag (four lifting points with outlet nozzle)