Лого Инова Топ Грийн




50 years

roof lifespan


improved energy efficiency for air conditioning


sun’ energy absorbed and reflected

2-12 dB



precipitation runoff

215 kg/m²



Innova Top Green is a Bulgarian innovative company. We learn from the best innovator – Nature. We specialize in complex green roof solutions.

We are proud to be the first, and probably the only, Bulgarian manufacturer of the main components for extensive green roofs – Sedum mats and Substrate. We know a lot about Sedums – the hardiest plants – and we grow them with love and care.

Innova Top Green Ltd. is a representative for Bulgaria of Optigrün international AG – a German company with over 40 years’ experience and one of the market leading companies in the roof greening sector worldwide.

We offer what is needed for your green roof to look great: complete onsite installation and maintenance, the right advice and “green” thinking. However, we do hope that your (ever)green roof does not need any advice. Living roofs – that’s what we at Innova Top Green provide.


We learn from the best innovator – nature. We experiment, recreate, seek sustainable ways of being, striving for the future. We know that every thought, word, action is important. Here and now. We need to remind ourselves more and more often that we are surrounded by natural teachers who, long before we came along, were innovating, working together, providing sustainable solutions, helping evolution. Nature takes its time, but achieves everything, said Lao Tzu, who lived in the 6th century B.C. Today, in the 21st century, we can confidently say that from his every appearance in the world, in every significant thing he has done, man has been inspired by nature. And the more he learned from nature, the more he understood himself. It begins with creativity. Green roofs are not a new phenomenon. Their origins date back thousands of years. Mankind’s most famous green roofs are the Hanging Gardens of Semiramis in ancient Babylon. Built around 500 BC, they are considered one of the seven wonders of the world. Green roofs have been standard building practice in many countries for hundreds, if not thousands of years, mainly because of the excellent insulating qualities of the combined plant and soil layers – sedums, succulents, grass, peat, substrate. Modern green roofs may have had their roots in distant times, but technological advances have made them much more efficient and expensive than their ancient counterparts. The many economic, social, and environmental benefits make living roofs increasingly necessary today. However, green roofs are still talked about as an innovation in many countries, especially in Bulgaria. ABOUT US To respond to the current trends in construction and architecture, with responsibility for the future and the preservation of nature, in 2018 we established Inova Top Green Ltd. We specialize in complex green roof solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings in urban and rural regions. We are the first Bulgarian manufacturer of the main components for green roofs – pre-cultivated sedum carpets (turfs) and Substrate for extensive green roofs. Inova Top Green Ltd. is the representative for Bulgaria of Optigrün international AG – a German company with over 40 years of experience and one of the market leaders in the green roof sector worldwide. We offer what it takes to make your green roof look great: complete roof system construction, on-site maintenance, and the right advice. Living roofs – the Inova Top Green offer. MISSION Our mission is to create innovative roofing systems that are in sync with the principles of sustainable building and architecture, where green is not just a color. We strive to be the leading company providing high-quality green roof systems with locally manufactured components. We work with architects, structural engineers, designers, horticulturists, and professionals from a variety of fields to promote green, living roofs as a way to be sustainable. Innovation is at the heart of our company’s development strategy.GARDENS AND FIELDS Our gardens and fields are located in the heart of the Central Balkan Mountains, at the foot of the highest peak – Botev. With hot, dry summers and frosty winters, we have the privilege of growing the most climate-resistant SeduMixmat ITG1 carpets designed for evergreen roofs. THE TEAM Our team brings together people with vibrant personalities, complementary skills, multi-disciplinary experience, and expertise, and most importantly – sharing common values. We, the Inova Top Green team, are driven by inspiration, creativity, and a passion for preserving the Earth – the only life support system we have. We love what we do. We strive for ever higher achievements. We work for a more beautiful and greener world. PRODUCTS Inova Top Green is the first Bulgarian manufacturer of the main components for green roofs – pre-cultivated plant carpets (turfs) from sedums and Substrate for extensive green roofs. Sedum plant carpet – SeduMixmat ITG1. The pre-cultivated Sedumi carpets are grown and conditioned in the high fields of the Balkan Mountains for a minimum of 9-12 months. Sedum carpets (sometimes referred to as “turfs” or “mats”) provide immediate installation and quick green roof creation. They can be easily cut and shaped to achieve any form. They are suitable for the most extensive green roof systems on the market. However, our pre-cultivated sedum turf can be used for more than just the roof. They require little maintenance and are a sensible (water)free alternative to the turf in many applications and on the ground. They are produced on biodegradable coconut geotextile, an Inova Top Green® substrate blend, with a combination of 6-10 species of sedums – evergreen, drought-tolerant, and cold tolerant succulent plants. SeduMixmat ITG1’s growing technology is in accordance with the guidelines of FLL (Forschungsgesellschaft Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau e. V.), a generally recognized German guide for the design, installation, and maintenance of extensive green roofs. SubLight ITG02 Extensive Green Roof Substrate SubLight ITG02 Extensive Green Roof Substrate provides suitable conditions for growing sedum vegetation and meets water retention requirements while minimizing the load on buildings. The substrate is specially selected for extensive green roofs up to 45° and ensures that the vegetation receives the necessary nutrients despite the limited thickness of the soil layer. The substrate is produced in accordance with the guidelines of FLL (Forschungsgesellschaft Landschaftsentwicklung Landschaftsbau e. V.), a generally recognized German guide for the design, installation, and maintenance of extensive green roofs. SERVICES Complete green roof solutions In Inova Top Green you find a reliable partner for the complete construction of green roof systems. We offer solutions for both flat and pitched (sloping) green roofs.