Лого Инова Топ Грийн

Green roof with profile

Профил против плъзгане
  • Anti-slip system.
  • Distribution of weight tension on the eaves.
  • Accessible and safe anti-slip system.
  • Permanent solution for sloping green roofs
  • Suitable for inverted roofs; if applicable, minimum wind load protection should be considered.



Technical specifications
* Weight specifications refer to saturated conditions; dry weight is approximately 50 – 60% of the saturated weight.
** Depends on slope and system solution. Determine at 0° according to FLL guidelines.
System components


Vegetable carpet of sedums
Растителен килим от седуми

Pre-cultivated plant carpet with a combination of 6 -10 species of sedums - evergreen, drought and cold tolerant succulent plants.


Profile anti-slip system
Профилна система против плъзгане

Protects the green roof structure from sliding and stabilizes the substrate layer


Extensive substrate
Екстензивен субстрат

Substrate with high water storage capacity and good air porosity, tailored to the requirements of extensive green roof systems.


Water retention layer
Водозадържащ слой

Protects the roof membrane from damage.
Suitable for water storage and targeted discharge of excess water, especially on eaves.

Наклонен зелен покрив с държачи